Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010
Montag, 31. Mai 2010
Memento no.2 - Memories, Erinnerungen
My starting point of this assignment was the big, dusty memory-box in my cupboard. In this box I collected a lot of things that remind me of beautiful moments and situations I experienced in my past (e.g. one of the favourite shirts from my grandma I got when she died, my first rose from my boyfriend,...) I always have a smile on my face when I look trough all these things but they just go to waste in this box and have no use anymore. So I decided to give them a new purpose and also give them a shape which allows me to wear them - and at the same time my connected memories - with me. The result are three jewellery-sets, made from three materials out of my box. The shapes of the jewellery also is connected to the story that lies behind the memory.

1.) material: hair, wire
The hair I used I cutted myself when I was about 10. I always wanted to have curled hair and one I saw my mother coming back from the hairdresser with curled hair. So, as a child, I guessed that you just need to cut your hair to make it curly. So I cutted my hair myself and was puzzled that nothing happened afterwards. My mum was very angry and my long hair became a shoulder-length haircut- without curls. With the jewellery I tried to give the hair - finally - the shape it actually should transform into 12 years ago.
2.) material: ceramic, wire
This neclace is made from a tea cup. It is a holdover from the time I played house (Mutter-Vater-Kind) with my friends. The three shapes symbolize the 3 family-members. They form a circle if you put them together.
3.) material: fabric, wire
The fabric I used was a shirt from my grandma. She grew up on a farm and loved the nature. But when she became older her family moved to the Ruhrgebiet because of good job opportunities. There she also got married and started a family. When she had the financal possibilities they bought a small weekend cottage at the border from the Ruhrgebiet in the countryside. She really loved this place and the family (including my mum) went there nearly every weekend. My grandparents maitained this place until my grandmother died. I never will forget her sitting in the garden wearing the shirt with a peaceful smile in her face.
The hair I used I cutted myself when I was about 10. I always wanted to have curled hair and one I saw my mother coming back from the hairdresser with curled hair. So, as a child, I guessed that you just need to cut your hair to make it curly. So I cutted my hair myself and was puzzled that nothing happened afterwards. My mum was very angry and my long hair became a shoulder-length haircut- without curls. With the jewellery I tried to give the hair - finally - the shape it actually should transform into 12 years ago.
2.) material: ceramic, wire
This neclace is made from a tea cup. It is a holdover from the time I played house (Mutter-Vater-Kind) with my friends. The three shapes symbolize the 3 family-members. They form a circle if you put them together.
3.) material: fabric, wire
The fabric I used was a shirt from my grandma. She grew up on a farm and loved the nature. But when she became older her family moved to the Ruhrgebiet because of good job opportunities. There she also got married and started a family. When she had the financal possibilities they bought a small weekend cottage at the border from the Ruhrgebiet in the countryside. She really loved this place and the family (including my mum) went there nearly every weekend. My grandparents maitained this place until my grandmother died. I never will forget her sitting in the garden wearing the shirt with a peaceful smile in her face.
free work,
Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010
Donnerstag, 15. April 2010
Freitag, 9. April 2010
Sonntag, 4. April 2010
Dienstag, 9. März 2010
space in an other dimension

assignment 2. research space on an poster once again. this time its about the illusion of depth. use perspective technics to exploid the depth in your image

assignment 1. research space in an poster. black/white; filled/open; mass/void. use characters of your own name to make one or more posters. play with the white and black spaces. the typology is free.
graphic design,
urban architecture
Sonntag, 17. Januar 2010
Samstag, 16. Januar 2010
ausmalen - Malbuch

aus•ma•len (hat) [Vt]
1. etwas ausmalen die Innenräume eines Gebäudes mit Farbe od. Bildern versehen
2. etwas ausmalen Zeichnungen od. vorgegebene Umrisse farbig machen ≈ kolorieren
3. jemandem/sich etwas ausmalen jemandem etwas genau beschreiben, sich etwas genau vorstellen: Er malt sich schon jetzt aus, was er auf der Reise erleben wird
|| hierzu Aus•ma•lung die; meist Sg
(sich) ausmalen: (sich) vorstellen, auffassen als, wähnen, einschätzen, erachten, einbilden, (sich) denken
Roland Sips
Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010
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